Student Voice: Classroom Rules

Grade 6 Classroom Rules

Written by Mrs. Hand’s Graduating Class, 2009-2010

1)    Respect Yourself and Others

·         Tell the truth all the time

·         Take responsibility for your actions

·         Include everyone

·         Use indoor voices

·         Use respectful language

·         Respect the skills, talents and abilities of others

·         Listen and try to understand what others are saying

·         Follow directions and try to stay on task

·         Sing “O Canada” proudly and stand appropriately

·         Take your turn

·         Raise your hand

·         Encourage others

2)    Be the Best You Can Be

·         Never give up

·         Work together

·         Ask questions

·         Participate

·         Have fun

3)    Property and Environment

·         Clean up after yourself

·         Take care of equipment and use it safely

·         Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

·         Change shoes when entering school

·         Ask before using property that belongs to others

4)    Safety

·         Keep hands and feet to yourself

·         Dress appropriately for weather

·         Use safe Internet practices

·         Cross only with adult supervision at crosswalk

·         Be considerate of allergens

·         Wash hands carefully and regularly

·         Stay home if you are feeling sick

5)    Fitness

·         Eat healthy foods

·         Be active